August 14th in Catalonia and the Catalan-speaking countries

This page lists historical and other events on August 14th in Catalonia and the Catalan-speaking countries as well as a list of births and deaths of well-known Catalans..


1714 – Talamanca (el Bages): after two days of fighting, the miquelets, volunteers, sometents and other regulated regiments of the Catalan Austriacist army, commanded by Antoni Desvalls cause more than 500 dead and injured amongst Felipe V’s troops (War of the Spanish Succession). The battle continues as the Franco-Castilian troops flee to Sant Llorenç Savall and Castellar del Vallès.


1960 – Barcelona: Joaquim Micó, novelist, scriptwriter and historian, author, amongst others, of the novels Ulleres de soul and Qualsevol nit pot sortir el sol, which won the 1989 Serra d’Or prize and also the historical biography of Teresa Mañé. He was general secretary of JERC in 1982-83.


1952 – Perpinyà: Gustau Violet, North Catalan sculptor and writer (born 1873).

1998 – Badalona: Xavier Miserachs i Ribalta, Catalan photographer.

Festivals and Commemorations